Colin Watts
Sports Massage Therapy

Case Studies:

The images in the case studies below are not of the individuals or actual events but are for illustrative purposes to show nature of the cause.

Horse riding fall

This case was caused by a strain to the long head bicep tendon during a riding fall.

The rider kept hold of the reins to prevent to horse from bolting, this resulted in a sudden loading of the left arm and shoulder that caused a strain in the biceps tendon.

As this was not a recent injury, the bicep tendon was treated with cross fibre friction massage.

This was resolved in a single session but revealed a secondary injury to the triceps tendon which was treated in a similar manner to complete the treatment.

Office posture

This is a fairy typical problem, brought about by the sedentary nature of modern life and spending the day seating at a keyboard

The client complained of having a painful shoulder while moving items into the attic

Discussion on the items being moved indicated that this was not the root cause of the problem, further discussions indicated that the client, who has an office based job habitually sat with rounded shoulders at a keyboard with similar postures while commuting and at home.

I advised on some simple exercises to bring his posture back to the correct alignments and ensure that his shoulders were not dropped forward and this improved his condition in a couple of days

Elbow problem

On this occassion there was not specific incident that had triggered the problem but repetition of the same actions over time had caused a build up of scar tissue from repeated micro-traumas in the distal bicep tendon.

A single session focused on massaging to remove the scar tissue resolved the problem and the client was back to playing pain free tenis